Weekend Seminar: Silicon Valley Real Estate Trend, Investment, Asset Protection and Insurance

FDAANC Weekend Seminar:硅谷房地产走势,投资,资产保护及保险


在硅谷的房屋买卖和投资是大家关注的焦点之一。经历了金融海啸冲击之后,硅谷的房地产现状如何,哪些地域适合投资,如何保护你的房屋资产,保险上 又怎样做最好,我们请到三位专家从不同角度谈谈他们的看法。我们也请一个成功的房地产经纪人分享他 成功背后的故事。

时间: 3月10日,星期六
1:00-1:30pm 登录,交流
1:30-3:30pm 讲座
地点: Gold Business Center
2077 Gold street,
Alviso, CA 95002
(close to Great America Pkwy,  highway 237 and 880)
费用: 免费


Frank Liu. 他是硅谷房地产业界中无人不知的人物,他获得过湾区房地产销售第 一,连续四年 RE/MAX全加州第一等傲人成绩。我们有幸请到Frank为我们谈谈硅谷房地产的走势展望,区域分析,买卖要点,投资机会。成功绝非偶然,我们也利用这 个机会请Frank分享他的成功之道。

Roger Wintle
是Heritage Law Group 的 partner。他是一位有三十年经验的专精房地产交易事务的律师。Roger 多次被房地产专业组织和本地电视媒体邀请作讲演。他还是Santa Clara Association of Realtors 的 general counsel。我们请他讲解每个房地产拥有者所应该了解的资产保护(asset protection)的知识。他也会为我们谈谈金 融海峡后常见诸报端的 short sale, loan modification,foreclosure,以及 REO purchase (REO stands for Real Estate Owned)。

Peter Kuo
是一位经验丰富的 Farmers 保险经纪人,在房屋和意外保险有近二十年经验。他14岁时从台湾来美。是第一位出任NAIFA (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL ADVISORS)硅谷分会会长的华人。他的个人信条是 F.B.I. (Family first, Business second, then help your own Industry)。他会给我们提供一些很有趣的话题,包括房屋汽车保险,出租屋保险,法律案例,如何节省$3000汽车保险。他还会给每位来宾带上一份 可能为你节省一百万美元的的礼物。That’s right!  $1 million dollars or more.

Night of Shanghai 2012 Recaptured in Picture

FDAANC New Year Event: 2012 Night-of-Shanghai Chinese Calligraphy Show


Celebration of the championship!

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Choir Championship, Again!

北加州的復旦大學、上海交通大學、華東師範大學、華東理工大學、上海中醫藥大學、同濟大學共六所高校校友會,2 月4日在聖他克拉拉市China China Restaurant & Buffet聯合舉辦慶祝龍年新春的「2012上海之夜」年度晚會。當晚各校友會都推出最具實力的文藝節目,大家事先挑選歌曲、集體練唱到登台表演。通過演唱,凝聚了大家的友誼。復旦校友會的 「東方之珠」,交大 校友會的「朋友」和華師大、華東理工、上海中醫大的「龍的傳人」,把晚會氣氛推向新高潮。本屆校友會合唱比賽冠軍再次由復旦大學校友會奪得。

Night of Shanghai 2012


在北加州的复旦大学,上海交通大学,华东师范大学,华东理工大学,上海中医药大学,同济大学等六所高校校友会将将於2月4日在硅谷的 China China Restaurant & Buffet联合举办“2012 上海之夜”年度盛会,主题是龙年新春。

今年的“上海之夜”,除了让你联系到六所校友会的校友和朋友, 拓展您的圈子, 找到事业上的合作伙伴,晚会上还按排一个小型书 法展,我们邀请对中国书法有钻研或有兴趣的校友,家人,以及朋友踊跃提供作品参加这个活动,以书会友,弘扬传统文化,并增添节日气 氛。有兴趣参加书法展的朋友,请寄email至 youwen.yi@fdaanc.org

初冬的风吹落了黄叶,湾区的春风带来了温暖。晚会上各校友会将有文艺表演,上海高校在湾区的校友们将共奏盛世的欢歌,共燃龙腾虎跃的激情。晚会有大型抽奖活动。欢迎大家踊跃报名参加。网上注册每位只收费15美元。儿童6-11岁收8美元,3-5岁为6美元,3岁以下随同家长免费。现场支付加收25%。座位有限, 一旦人数超出场所容许,将会发布人满公告。

时间: 2月4日, 星期六,5:00-9:00pm

5:00-6:00pm: 登录,社交,书法展

6:00-9:00pm: 晚餐,节目表演,抽奖,等

地点: China China Restaurant & Buffet , 2570 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95051


成人 (11+) $15:

少儿 (6-11) $8:

儿童 (3-5) $6:




杨磊医师 – 河洛医科大学,气功针灸,脊椎诊断 nsuhs.org
九九人网 – 北美华人最大的分类信息网站 99people.com

2012 FDAANC Board Member Nomination and Election

Dear Alumni and Friends,

It’s time to elect the Board of FDAANC!

As you may know, FDAANC is managed by a Board of Directors. From this year, we will allow all FDAANC Members to nominate any member to be a FDAANC Board Member, so long as you get his/her consent.  The FDAANC Board shall consist of at least eight (8) members, but no more than fifteen (15) members.  Each Board Member shall serve a term of two (2) years and can serve for more than one term.

Board Election Procedure consists of the following five stages:

  1. Board Member Nomination
  2. Board Member Voting
  3. Publish Voting Results
  4. Board Annual General Meeting
  5. Newly Elected Board Members Assume Office

About Board Member Nominations

Members of FDAANC can nominate any FDAANC member who voluntarily submits their basic information to be a Board Member as long as the person meets the following criteria:

  • Be physically present in the Northern California area for at least 50% of the time in a single year
  • Participate in and be a volunteer at least 50% of the events in a single year

Basic information of each nominated candidate includes his/her graduation year from Fudan University, major, and reasons he or she wants to be a Board Member of FDAANC (in less than 100 words).  

Interested members please send the basic information in the form below by the day on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011.


We appreciate your continuous support for FDAANC.  You are encouraged to nominate candidates for the FDAANC Board.  The next step of the Board and President Election will be announced in a separate message.

For more details of the Board Election, please go to https://www.fdaanc.org.  For any questions regarding the Board Election, please contact us at info@fdaanc.org.



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