仲夏在复旦 – 龙飞飞少年夏令营 2009

由复旦附中教育发展基金和复旦附中海外基金会联合主办的“仲夏在复旦 – 龙飞飞少年夏令营 复旦附中2009”(暂定名)以于2009年7月6日至7月24日在复旦大学附属中学圆满结束,参加的营员主要是国内外复旦大学和复旦 附中校友子女,年龄为1年级至9年级(09年秋季)的学生。


本夏令营依托复旦附中优秀的场地和设施,借鉴美国夏令营企业化的运营模式,为兴趣爱好广泛的中外少年开设包括科技、体育、艺术和手工以及文化课在内 的营地活动。所有的活动都将用中英文双语展开,不仅让孩子们有机会接触跨文化的趣味活动,而且让他们交到跨国界的朋友,使2009年的夏天成为他们少儿生 活中的亮点。






夏令营的管理团队中既有从事教育行业几十年的复旦附中退休校长,也有海外归国的高级管理人员,还有活跃在上海国际学校的外籍老师和现任复旦附中后勤 总管。营地生活区域配有24小时管理人员,负责住宿,饮食,医疗等等,以协调孩子的生活起居。夏令营采用美国夏令营中通用的辅导员模式 (counselor),每个营地活动除了一位辅导员,还配有一位双语助手,营员数一般不超过15个,以保证孩子们有一个安全,快乐,有益的营地生活。



  • 住宿营员主要为国外孩子和有意愿体验住宿生活的国内孩子,年龄为5年级至9年级(09年秋季),3周一期,7月6日至7月24日为第一期;
  • 走读营员主要针对国内孩子,年龄为1年级至9年级(09年秋季),没有周数限制。

无论是住宿还是走读,每周活动都可以从夏令营提供的丰富多彩的课程中选择。详细说明请见  “活动”一栏。



夏令营提供包括科技,体育,艺术和手工,文化课四大模块在内的几十种活动。每个活动通常以每周5个半天为一个单元,既可以让孩子充分体验一个活动, 又可以在一定的时间内尝试更多不同的活动。对于家长,也更容易为自己的孩子设计适合他们兴趣和程度的活动,在进行丰富的活动同时还可以重温一些文化知识。 夏令营不仅用双语教学给国内外孩子提供学习语言的机会,还专门为国外孩子开设中文课程,为国内孩子开设英文补习。上半天的活动一般为9:00点至 12:00点,下半天的活动一般为2:00点至5:00点。夏令营还将为住宿的营员安排丰富的业余活动以及周末旅游活动。


夏令营为所有的营员提供环境宽敞,品种丰富的用餐体验;并为住宿营员提供两人间的标准客房,配有空调,淋浴,微波炉,冰箱,电视以及桌椅家具,并有 洗衣机和烘衣机供住宿营员使用。为方便营员与远在千里的家长联系,夏令营还将为家长提供每日营地活动照片,并为孩子们提供有辅导员值班的安全的上网环境。 另外,夏令营还为孩子们提供休闲活动室,供他们业余社交之用。


  • 住宿营员每周¥2700元 或者$395(以一周7天计,参加上半天和下半天夏令营活动,包括食宿,不包括来回机票以及保险和周末旅游费用)。
  • 走读营员每单元(每周5个半天为一单元)¥960元,如需用午餐,另加¥80元(以一周5天计)。
  • 个别夏令营活动需另购材料,费用另计。


How Admission Decisions Are Made in Selective Colleges

We’re excited to have Ms. Chen Wanqiu for a college planning seminar with the topic “How Admission Decisions Are Made in Selective Colleges”. The seminar has attracted over 150 attendees and received very positive feedback from the participants, including parents and children.

How Admission Decisions Are Made in
Selective Colleges

Specifically, the seminar will:

  • Walk you behind the scenes of an admissions office
  • Explain how each applicant is ranked and evaluated
  • Analyze GPA, class rank, and academic rigor
  • Discuss complexities in selective admissions

These are just the tips of the iceberg. A lot of good advice covering the entire application process, will be offered!

Date: Sunday, April 26, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Location: 2077 Gold Street, Alviso, CA 95002

Ms. Chen’s seminar “A Four-Year Action Plan” hosted by SJTU-SV parenting club last Sunday was a huge success! The seminar room was so packed that many people stood for the entire two hours, attentively absorbing every word Ms. Chen said!

Please sign up for this rare opportunity. We need to know how many we will expect, and please come early to make sure you can have a seat! Bring your school children with you, because this seminar is for them!
Background of the Speaker:

* Received admissions training from Harvard Admissions Institute & Stanford on the job training

* Former Director, Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, with over 10 years of admissions and financial aid experience

* Former Director, Santa Clara University’s School of Engineering, overseeing admissions

* Receipt of the prestigious A. Mike Spence Staff Excellence Award from Stanford. (A. Mike Spence was the dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard, overseeing Harvard College from 1984 to 1990. He served as dean of the Stanford Business School from 1990 to 1999. In 2001, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to the analysis of markets with asymmetric information. )

* Popular speaker on undergraduate and graduate admissions, with unparalleled insider knowledge about selective admissions.

Angie Yuan & Yehua Owens

Night of Shanghai 2006

Dear Alumni & Friends,

“Night of Shanghai 2006”, the 5th annual Fudan-JiaDo event held on 02/11/2006, made the past Saturday night an unforgettable night.

Even before the party was started, red gift bags from Prince of Peace Enterprises, Inc. (thanks Fudan graduate Freda Wang) lit up the entire place, and filled everyone’s heart with the spirit of the Chinese New Year.

Bamboo Garden Restaurant did a good job in providing delicious food to 16 tables, that were fully taken by about 180 Fudan/JiaoDa alumni. Every one of us enjoyed the dishes.

The performances started with a nice “review lesson” of all the fun phrases in Shanghai Dialect, which brought back so many fond college-year memories to all of us. Professional dancers danced in traditional Chinese dresses, which added colors to the night.

The highlight of the night was the round of introduction of every participant by a representative from each table. All 16 table representatives did an excellent job, with brief speeches filled with humor, wisdom, and great information too. It was such a great way to get everybody involved, and waves of compliments right after the party showed us how much we enjoyed those speeches.

Also, Night of Shanghai 2006 saw good-bye speech from Selena She, 3rd FDAANC president from 2003-2004. Selena and her family will move back Shanghai next week. FDAANC would like to thank Selena for her significant contributions to our alumni association, especially her effort in promoting FDAANC to local Chinese communities. We wish Selena and her family all the best in their new adventures in Shanghai. One wishful thinking from us is to have Selena set up FDAANC branch office in Shanghai 🙂

If you missed the party, you can view some of the party photos below. However, nothing compares to the real experience, so don’t miss out next year NoS party.

FDAANC would like thank the following Fudan alumni who helped organize this annual event: Angie Yuan, Peng Cheng, Joanna Gao, XiaoTong Hu, Joyce Li, Helena Liu, Yehua Owens, and Monica Xu. Also, thank Joyce who made donations to the event.

Last but not the least, wishing all of our alumni a most prosperous and joyful Year of the Dog filled with success, love, peace, and happiness!

With warm regards,
-Jason Ding

2005-Year FDAANC BOD Chair

Three Hi-Tech Leaders’ New Year’s Resolution

From: FuDan Alumni Association and CINA
Location: Fenwick & West, LLP, 801 California St, Mountain View, CA 94041
When: Monday, January 9 2006, 06:30pm to 08:30pm
Language: Chinese

Jesse Z Fang, Director, Intel PSL
Qi Lu, Vice President of Engineering of Yahoo! Inc.
James Mi, Head of Asia Products at Google.

Jason Ding, President of Fudan Alumni Association, Northern California

As the New Year is just starting and Chinese New Year is around the corner, how about getting bootstrap from three outstanding Chinese individuals in Hi-Tech industry so that we are ready for the beginning and possibly new ventures in the New Year?

In this event, you will hear from three outstanding Chinese executives about their New Year’s resolutions, their companies’ new strategies, especially their China strategies, and their vision about the future. We will ask them some, if not all, of the following questions:

* What are your New Year?�s resolutions
* What are the turning points in your life
* What are your companies??China Strategies
* What will be the future of Silicon Valley
* What is the most important thing in your life
* What advices do you have to Fudan alumni and CINA members
* Who were your Mentors
* What are the best strategy for change you recommend in year 2006 and beyond
* What is the definition of success

Jesse Fang, Director, Intel PSL

Jesse Fang is Director and Chief Scientist of Programming System Lab at Intel Corporation Technology Group (CTG). Jesse has been working at Intel for 10 years. His lab is currently working on multi-core and many-core on ?�die?? Before joining Intel, Jesse worked at Hewlett-Packard Research Labs on Itanium Architecture. Between Intel and HP Labs, Jesse ran a start-up company to design multi-media chips. Before HP Labs, Jesse worked on supercomputer and real-time systems at Convex Corp. and Concurrent Corp.

Jesse was professor at Kansas State University after he did Post-Doctor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his MS and PhD in Computer Science from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and his BS in Mathematics from Fudan University in Shanghai. He also served as a faculty member in Computer Science Department of Fudan University before coming to the States.

Qi Lu, Vice President of Engineering of Yahoo! Inc.

Qi Lu is a VP of Engineering of Yahoo! Inc. responsible for the technology development of Yahoo’s Search and Marketplace businesses unit, which includes the company’s search, e-commerce, and local listings businesses and products. Prior to joining Yahoo! in 1998, Qi was a Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden Research Center. Before that, Qi worked at Carnegie Mellon University as a Research Associate, and at Fudan University in China as a computer science faculty member. He holds 20 US patents.

Qi received his BS and MS in Computer Science from Fudan University and PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.

James Mi, Head of Asia Products at Google.

James Mi is Head of Asia Products at Google, responsible for product management and strategy for Asia markets. Previously he was co-founder and VP of Business Development and Marketing of iTelco Communications. Before that, he was with Intel and held various management positions in engineering, product and market development.

James received BS Physics degree from Fudan University in 1989 and MS in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University in 1991. He holds 12 US patents.

Jason Ding, President of Fudan Alumni Association (Northern California)

Jason Ding is a Sr. Manager of Cisco Systems’ Application Oriented Networking (AON) new business venture. Prior to joining Cisco in early 2005, Jason was a Sr. Manager at Ariba Inc. (2000-2005), where he managed performance and scalability for 10+ product releases, initially for Ariba?�s e-Procurement core product and later on for all Ariba?�s enterprise applications. Jason also worked at Intel (1994-2000) as a computer architect on performance of Pentium, Pentium Xeon and Itanium products. During 1998-2000, Jason led cross-site teams jump-started Application Solution Center (ASC) at Intel Shanghai.

Jason was a computer science faculty member at Fudan University and participated design and implementation of China?�s very first OSI network. He also conducted network research at British Telecom Research Labs in UK. Jason received his BS and MS from Fudan University and PhD from Texas A&M University, all in computer science.

One Hundred Years Anniversary of Fudan University


本人与前会长佘铭和在上海发展的王伟校友於 9 月 18 日至 28 日期间,先后在无锡和上海参加了第九届世界复旦校友联谊会及母校百年校庆盛会,收获甚丰,以下按日期作一简单回顾,作为向校友会的报告。

第九届世界校友联谊会於 9 月 19-22 日在无锡湖滨饭店举行,19 日下午报到,22 日回上海,实际开会日为 20及 21 日两天,共有来自美国、日本、澳洲、韩国、几内亚、丹麦、香港、台湾、澳门以及全国各地 40 多个校友会的 160 人参加。

20 日上午开幕式,王生洪校长、秦绍德党委书记都到会致词祝贺,同为复旦校友的江苏省省长梁保华、省委书记李源朝亦双双出席。开幕式上放映了百年复旦特别纪念 DVD、全体唱复旦校歌,那是十分令人激动的时刻。重庆校友会 80 高龄的季丽丽因为保护抗战时复旦北碚校址有功,荣获第一届校长基金杰出校友奖,奖金三万元,校长基金的钱是一位大陆成功企业家捐赠的。美国华府校友会会长 代表海外校友会在会上致词,祝贺母校百年华诞。


19、20 日晚上召开了各校友会会长(代表)会议,讨论下届世界校友联谊会地址及成立复旦大学校友总会的议题。世界校友联谊会於 1990 年开始,每两年易址举行,先后在香港、上海、北京、重庆、济南、西安、郑州、深(土川)召开,其中以老年校友居多,海外校友会了解该联谊会是最近的事,本 校友会即是第一次参加。

不少会长提出第十届联谊会应选择 2008 年北京奥运时在北京举行,但也有人认为届时北京交通、旅馆会十分拥挤,因此会上并未达成共识,留待进一步讨论。学校对外联络处已经拟定了成立复旦校友总会 的章程草案,其中内容包括填表申请、常务理事会讨论通过接受、会员缴交会费、接受总会委派任务等条目,除海外校友会在分组讨论时质疑其必要性外,港澳组、 国内组均一致通过拥护成立的意见。

21 日上午举行闭幕式,会上宣布成立校友总会。下午无锡市政府招待代表们游览无锡新建旅游点「灵山大佛」及蠡湖湖滨开发新景点。代表们於 22 日离开无锡去上海,并於晚上参加了由上海校友会在豫园新绿波廊饭店举办的招待晚宴。

24 日上午,复旦百年校庆大会在新落成的正大集团体育馆举行,有数千人参加,除了播放上述校史 DVD、唱校歌外,最激动人心的场面是身穿各色印有校庆 LOGO、坐在看台上面几层的学生,集体将一面巨型的红色复旦校旗接力传送,形成「旗正飘飘」的滚动效果,十分壮观。

全国人大委员长吴邦国、前国务委员李兰钦校友等贵宾参加了大会,国务委员陈至立宣读了胡锦涛主席贺词,吴邦国、耶鲁大学校长、王生洪校长先后致词中 均全面回顾复旦百年沧桑,马相伯创办人的孙女、李登辉校长的儿子等均是大会贵宾。大会现场访问的校友中,包括本校友会成员、史丹福大学终身教授张首(上 「曰」下「成」 – 对不起,电脑中找不到这个字)。

晚上在新落成的双子星「光华楼」前草坪举办了盛大庆祝晚会,据称有八千人参加,耗资 85 万元,晚会开始前还燃放了烟花,并有探照灯点缀,大陆港台著名歌手相继登台,还请到了金牌跨栏选手刘翔上台亮相,台上表演节目时台下五彩萤光棒和著拍子晃动,场面无比热烈。

24 日当天校园里人头挤挤,南京路、登辉环路上校友摩肩接踵,人人脸上兴奋无比,相辉堂前草坪上、主校门进口处校庆标语牌前,排队拍照的人群不断;各院系都准 备了丰富的礼物(大部分是材料)等待校友前往;由经济大楼原址改建的校史馆,获得校友的一致称赞,一幢两层的小楼浓缩了复旦百年历史,从设计到内容,都很 精致。




徐敏子 敬启