Fudan-Jiaoda Pingpong Tournament 2004
May 8, 2004
Location: Palo Alto Sports Club, Gym B, Cubberley Center, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA
Date: Saturday, May 8, 2004
Fee: Free
It was nice to take a break at the beginning of the summer and just be passionate on sports! We had a successful tournament. JiaoDa team won the game and thus took back the “Fudan-JiaoDa Ping-Pong Championship Cup”.
Detailed results:
# Male Singles: 2:2
# Female Single: 1:0 (JiaoDa won)
# Mixed: 1:0 (JiaoDa won)
# Male Doubles: 1:0 (JiaoDa won)Everyone participated had a great time. We will do it again next year!