Category: Announcements
January 29, 2024
复旦大学北加州校友会理事会两年一度的换届选举工作已于2024年1月完成。 本次选举共16人参选理事。按照校友会章程,15人当选理事,会长由理事会间接选举产生。
法律顾问:姚力楠 & 常争艳Zoey(YC Law Group)。
1. 举办更多的大型活动。
2. 改进活动记录和宣传。
3. 增大志愿者的参与度。

August 19, 2022
新任理事会成员名单:张以明(会长)、黄青峰(副会长)、龚琪(秘书长)、姚毅(财务主管)、刘嘉、朱荣胜、Estelle Zhao (负责复二代亲子活动)、Lindsey Wu、Susan Zhang。
法律顾问:姚力楠 & Zoey Chang(YC Law Group)
1. 组织户外及线上活动以在安全的前提下促进联谊。
2. 尝试建立校友职业发展互助与创业交流的平台。
3. 待疫情结束后,恢复FFF等传统见面活动。
PS. 若您尚未加入组织,欢迎首先加入校友会LinkedIn群组,其中有告知加入校友微信群的具体方法。
2015 FDAANC Board Election Notice
October 15, 2015
- Board Member Nomination
- Board Member Voting
- Publish Voting Results
- Board Annual General Meeting
- Newly Elected Board Members Assume Office
- Be physically present in the Northern California area for at least 50% of the time in a single year
- Participate in and be a volunteer at least 50% of the events in a single year
- The FDAANC Board shall evaluate the qualifications of the Board Members annually, around the time of a Board Meeting at the beginning of each year. If a Board Member fails to meet the qualification above, he or she will no longer be a Board Member for the following year.
- The responsibilities of the Board are: open and maintain an association website on the internet, edit and maintain a membership, directory, plan and organize association activities, the board shall at least organize one social activity annually, coordinate communication with other Fudan alumni around the world
- President, VP, and Treasurer: The Annual General Meeting of the Board is held around beginning of each year, when Board members elect the next President every other year. The result is announced the same day. The President takes office on the same day and shall start to organize the executive team and assign tasks to the Board Members. The President’s term is two years and one can serve no more than two consecutive terms. The President shall coordinate, supervise and operate the business on behalf of the Board of Directors.
- The President shall appoint one Secretary, one Vice President and one Treasurer. The Secretary is responsible for forming an Election Committee for the next election. The Election Committee is responsible for collecting brief bio from all nominated Director of the Board and nominated President. All fundraising income or donations shall provide the operation budget of the association. The Board of Directors shall have the authority over the budget. The Board shall provide regular financial statement to members.
September 13, 2011
Please open attachments for details.
Summer of Pujiang BBQ 2011
August 22, 2011
2011 Summer Alumni BBQ
“Summer of Pu Jiang” comes soon. Please mark your calendar to join the biggest event in the year of 2011 Summer BBQ, which is co-organized by Shanghai University alumni associations: FDAANC, SJTU-SV, ECNUAA, ECUSTAA and TJUAASFB. Summer BBQ has become a popular tradition among our alumni and friends. It has been 9 years since SJTU-SV and sister alumni associations have been co-hosting this great BBQ event from 2003.
It was estimated about 300 people will attend this event in Rengstorff Park at Mountain View. It is the center in Bay Area. There are large space and nice areas of lawn. It is an excellent opportunity to join the summer sun and relax your body and mind, to catch up with old friends, to meet new ones, to network, and to have fun! The events is not only providing food, also provide a platform for the recruitment, help those in needs, and build a strong relationship among various associations and individuals at this traditional annual event.
* Delicious food including beef, chicken, Korean BBQ and fruits.
* Yu Lan Cup Volleyball Tournament with teams is from SJTU-SV, FDAANC and other fellow alumni associations will be opened at the events.
* The Pu Jiang Cup Tug-Of-War game is the best exacting at the BBQ.
* Pinyada, water balloon tired race and water melon eating race for both kids and adults.
To help us better prepare for the event, please RSVP.
Date: Saturday, August 27, 2011
Time: 11:00AM – 3:00PM
If paid online, $12 for adult, $8 for kids between 12 and 18, $5 for kids between 6 and 12, free for kids under 5.
If paid onsite, $17 for adult, $10 for kids between 12 and 18, $7 for kids between 6 and 12, free for kids under 5.
Rengstorff Park
201 South Rengstorff Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040
(corner of Crisanto and Rengstorff)
Online Registration: (cut off at noon on Friday 8/26)
Pre-pay through PayPal or CreditCard. When checking out, you can select either Credit Card or Paypal:
Hope to see you all on Saturday August 27th!
Fudan Alumni Association North Californa (FDAANC)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Alumni Association of SV (SJTU-SV)
East China Normal University Alumni Association (ECNUAA)
East China University of Science and Technology Alumni Association (ECUSTAA)
Tong Ji University Alumni Association San Francisco Bay Chapter (TJUAASFB)