Fudan Delegation in the Bay Area June 2010
June 2, 2010
A Fudan University Delegation led by former President will be visiting the U.S. from June 18 to June 29, 2010. Their main purposes are to meet with Fudan alumni in the U.S. and to attend a seminar titled “Bio-pharmaceutical Forum” organized by Fudan alumni in New York.
Their first stop is San Francisco and the delegation has scheduled to meet our Fudan Alumni from San Francisco Bay Area on Saturday, June 19, 2010. This is also an excellent opportunity for our alumni to meet new friends and catch up with each other.
This Fudan University Delegation is consisted of 5 members. They are
- Prof. WANG Shenghong , Former President, current Chair of Fudan International Communication and Cooperation Committee and the first Vice President of Fudan Universtiy Alumni Association (王生洪教授,前任校长,现为复旦大学国际及港澳台交流与合作委员会主席、复旦大学校友会第一副会长)
- Prof. PENG Yuwen, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, current Deputy Director of Fudan School Affairs Committee (彭裕文教授,原校党委常务副书记、现为复旦大学校务委员会副主任)
- ZHANG Honglian, Director of Alumni & Advancement Office (张宏莲, 对外联络处处长)
- LIU Ye, Deputy Director of Alumni & Advancement Office (刘烨, 对外联络处副处长)
- Lecturer LI Zhiqing, a visiting scholar in the U.S. (李志青,在美学术访问的老师)
FDAANC (Fudan University Alumni Association of Northern California) is arranging the meeting between the Delegation and local alumni. This event is free to all alumni. Please make a good use of this opportunity to reconnect and communicate with other alumni. To facilitate us to better prepare for this event, please go to http://fdaanc062010.eventbrite.com/ to pre-register for the event.
The meeting agenda is as follows:
- Venue: 2077 Gold Street, #107, Alviso, CA 95002
- Date: Saturday, June 19, 2010
- 1:30 – 3:00pm Networking
- 3:00pmn – 4:30p.m. Meeting with the Delegation
- 4:30 – 6:00pm (Optional) Dinner with the Delegation
Remark: FDAANC will treat the Delegation at a local restaurant after the meeting; all attending alumni are welcome to join at their own cost.
A SPECIAL NOTE: As Prof. PENG Yuwen (彭裕文教授)is the former Chancellor of Shanghai Medical University(上医大) before it was annexed by Fudan, he particularly asked to meet some alumni from Shanghai Medical University. Please kindly pass this message to alumni of Shanghai Medical University.