Longfeifei Youth Summer Camp FDFZ 2010 (Shanghai)


龙飞飞少年夏令营 复旦附中2010 于今日起在海外开始接受报名。您可能对我们2009年夏令营的成功有所了解,请点击www.longfeifei.com观看我们去年的视频集锦。

复旦附中海外基金会复旦附中教育发展基金联合主办的“龙飞飞少年夏令营 复旦附中2010”定于2010年7月5日至7月23日在复旦大学附属中学正式开营,招生面向国内外年龄为1年级至9年级(2010年秋季)的学生,主要包括复旦大学和复旦附中校友子女以及其他有兴趣参加的少年儿童。

本夏令营依托复旦附中优秀的场地和设施,借鉴美国夏令营企业化的运营模式,为兴趣爱好广泛的中外少年开设包括科技、体育、艺术和手工以及文化课在内 的50 多种营地活动。所有的活动都将用中英文双语展开,不仅让孩子们有机会接触跨文化的趣味活动,而且让他们交到跨国界的朋友,使2010年的夏天成为他们少儿 生活中的亮点。

报名及详细内容,请看龙飞飞少年夏令营网站:www.longfeifei.com。 住宿营员名额有限,请速报名。



Dear parents,

LongFeiFei Youth Summer Camp – FDFZ 2010 is now open for registration.  As you may know about our success in 2009, please click www.longfeifei.com to view the videos from last year’s camp.

Jointly sponsored by Fudan Fuzhong Overseas Foundation and Education Development Fund of High School Affiliated to Fudan University (FDFZ), “LongFeiFei Youth Summer Camp – FDFZ 2010” (LongFeiFei Camp or Camp) will take place at FDFZ from July 5 to July 23, 2010. The camp is open to the children of alumni from Fudan University and FDFZ, as well as other children who are interested in attending (Campers). The Camp is open to Campers from grade 1 (one) to 9 (nine) by September 2010.

Located on the 13 acre (82 mu) site of FDFZ, the Camp models itself after American style camps with more than 50 activities offered including sports, arts and crafts, language and cultural exchange and science and technolog. LongFeiFei is designed as an English and Chinese bilingual camp where children can learn and improve their language skills and make friends with other campers from around the world. With a full schedule of classes and fun activities, 2010 will be a memorable summer for the young Campers.

Please go to longfeifei websit for detail: http://www.longfeifei.com/index-en.shtml

Best regards,
Longfeifei Summer Camp Committee


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