Night of Shanghai 2010
March 9, 2010
Event: Night of Shanghai 2010
Date: Saturday, March 13th, 2010
Time: 6:00PM – 11:00PM
Cost: $15 for Adult, $10 for Kids between 5 and 12, Free for Kids under 5 if paid online;
If pay at the door, add $5 per person. (Online payment won’t be available after 11:59pm 3/12/2010)
Location: Chinese Performing Artistsof America (CPAA)
6148 Bollinger Road, San Jose, CA 95129
Dear Alumni and Friends,
You are cordially invited to the much-anticipated Night of Shanghai 2010. This is a special Chinese New Year party organized by Fudan University Alumni Association of Northern California (FDAANC) in collaboration with the following alumni organizations:
- Shanghai Jiaotong University Alumni Association of Silicon Valley
- East China Normal University Alumni Association in Northern California (ECNUAANCA)
- East China University of Science and Technology Alumni
Association of Northern California (ECUST_AANC) - Tongji University Alumni Association of San Francisco Bay Area (TJUAASFB)
6:00pm – 7:00pm Check-in, Networking and Dinner
7:00pm – 8:00pm Performance and Prize Drawing
8:00pm -11:00pm Dancing and Networking
You will enjoy good food, games and art performance, catch up with many friends across 5 different associations, expand your network, find a business partner, or simply have a good time!
This traditional gala attracted more than 200 people each year, and every one of them has something nice to say about it, from the food to all the activities. It is an excellent opportunity to catch up with old friends, to meet new ones, to network, and to have fun!
This year, the gala is hold in a place of professionally designed for party, of spacious platform for art performance, of state-of-art audio & lighting equipment, of group dancing orientated ballroom, and of professional dancing director and DJ.
This year, you are saving money by entertaining you and your family because we only charge $15 for adults while the value of this party is over $30. The magic truth of this is carried out by our sponsorship and free volunteers’ labor.
This year, you will have fast and slow music for your interests in various dancing styles and routines from professional DJ, interact with awesome dancing director.
BTW: you have more discounts if you pay online, which spares you from hassle at the registration table.
In Short, You can not afford missing this gala, mark your calendar NOW!
Longfeifei Youth Summer Camp FDFZ 2010 (Shanghai)
March 5, 2010
龙飞飞少年夏令营 复旦附中2010 于今日起在海外开始接受报名。您可能对我们2009年夏令营的成功有所了解,请点击www.longfeifei.com观看我们去年的视频集锦。
由复旦附中海外基金会和复旦附中教育发展基金联合主办的“龙飞飞少年夏令营 复旦附中2010”定于2010年7月5日至7月23日在复旦大学附属中学正式开营,招生面向国内外年龄为1年级至9年级(2010年秋季)的学生,主要包括复旦大学和复旦附中校友子女以及其他有兴趣参加的少年儿童。
本夏令营依托复旦附中优秀的场地和设施,借鉴美国夏令营企业化的运营模式,为兴趣爱好广泛的中外少年开设包括科技、体育、艺术和手工以及文化课在内 的50 多种营地活动。所有的活动都将用中英文双语展开,不仅让孩子们有机会接触跨文化的趣味活动,而且让他们交到跨国界的朋友,使2010年的夏天成为他们少儿 生活中的亮点。
报名及详细内容,请看龙飞飞少年夏令营网站。 住宿营员名额有限,请速报名。
Dear parents,
LongFeiFei Youth Summer Camp – FDFZ 2010 is now open for registration. As you may know about our success in 2009, please click to view the videos from last year’s camp.
Jointly sponsored by Fudan Fuzhong Overseas Foundation and Education Development Fund of High School Affiliated to Fudan University (FDFZ), “LongFeiFei Youth Summer Camp – FDFZ 2010” (LongFeiFei Camp or Camp) will take place at FDFZ from July 5 to July 23, 2010. The camp is open to the children of alumni from Fudan University and FDFZ, as well as other children who are interested in attending (Campers). The Camp is open to Campers from grade 1 (one) to 9 (nine) by September 2010.
Located on the 13 acre (82 mu) site of FDFZ, the Camp models itself after American style camps with more than 50 activities offered including sports, arts and crafts, language and cultural exchange and science and technolog. LongFeiFei is designed as an English and Chinese bilingual camp where children can learn and improve their language skills and make friends with other campers from around the world. With a full schedule of classes and fun activities, 2010 will be a memorable summer for the young Campers.
Please go to longfeifei websit for detail:
Best regards,
Longfeifei Summer Camp Committee
November 9, 2009
日月光华,交相辉映。“相辉堂”馆名取自马相伯、李登辉两位老校长之名。1946年,李登辉老校长将校友们为他筹集的颐养金三十余两黄金用于学校大 礼堂的筹建;1947年初夏,登辉堂在被炸毁的第一宿舍废墟上展现新容。同年7月5日,李登辉校长在这里作了最后一次讲演,提出了“服务、牺牲、团结”之 复旦精神。1985年复旦校庆八十周年,登辉堂改名相辉堂,以永远纪念马相伯和李登辉两位校长,周谷城教授题写匾名,倍显庄重神圣。
因年代久远,相辉堂内部设施陈旧,已日渐不能满足师生各项活动的需求,修缮迫在眉睫。应学校发展之需和广大校友的呼吁,修缮工作将以“保持风貌、提 升功能” 为原则,修缮后的相辉堂将成为学校庆典、大型会议、文艺表演以及影视观摩等重要活动的场地,配有多功能活动厅、演出化妆间和接待厅等辅助设施,功能更趋完 善。
今年6月,生物系8523班级同学毕业20年返校聚会,得悉相辉堂的修缮项目后,当即以班级名义发出倡议,并启动了班级的筹款。作为母校近年最可凝 聚人心的发展项目,也作为校友、师生、社会各界对复旦大学105周年校庆的献礼,2009年9月18日,相辉堂保护修缮项目的筹募活动正式启动,得到了广 大海内外校友的积极响应和支持。
截至目前,李达三、陈曾焘两位老校友已承诺捐赠人民币1600万元;西安校友会顾问徐彦平代表校友会和“高山流水”承诺捐资人民币200万;上海、 北京、江浙、湖南、香港等地的校友会和校友也已纷纷响应,策划以校友会、班级、或个人的形式参与母校的发展;母校师生的捐赠活动也将拉开序幕。
校友会 程翀:
电话:86-21-55664307/4929 EMAIL:
基金会 香港:林晶晶
电话:852-25289188 EMAIL:
电话:1-917-386-8482 EMAIL:
Fudan University Delegation September 2009
September 23, 2009
Fudan University Delegation of 15 people led by Chairman of the Board Yuan Tianfan, Party Secretary Qin Shaode will visit the U.S. by late September. The delegation will visit leading universities in the U.S. including University of Chicago, Rice University, UCSF and Stanford University for discussions on academic exchange, research and development collaboration, and recruiting.
The delegation will be in the San Francisco Bay Area between September 26th and September 29th, and will meet with local alumni on September 27th, 2009.
Please go to to register for the event.
Below are the members of the Delegation:
- Yuan Tianfan (袁天凡), Fudan University, Board of Director (校董)
- Qin Shaode (秦绍德), Chancelor (书记)
- Chen Yinzhang (陈寅章), Assistant to President (校长助理)
- Jin Xiaofeng (金晓峰), Dean, Physics Department (物理系系主任)
- Wu Quanshui (吴泉水), Dean, School of Mathematics (数学学院院长)
- Tang Yi (唐颐), Dean, Chemistry Department (化学系系主任)
- Zang Binyu (臧斌宇), Deputy Dean, School of Computer Science (计算机学院执行副院长)
- Peng Zhexi (彭希哲), Dean, Social Development and Public Policy (社会发展与公共政策学院院长)
- Yuan Zhigang (袁志刚), Dean, School of Economics (经济学院院长)
- Xu Xiaoyin (许晓茵), Deputy Dean, School of Economics (经济学院副院长)
- Wu Xinbo (吴心伯), Deputy Dean, School of International Relations and Public Affairs (国际关系与公共事务学院副院长)
- Zhang Shuangli (张双利), Deputy Dean, School of Philosophies (哲学学院副院长)
- Liu Ye (刘晔), Deputy Director, Alumni & Advancement Office (外联处副处长)
- Ding Li (丁力), Deputy Director, Alumni & Advancement Office (外联处副处长)
- Li Hong (李红), Director, Foreign Affairs (American) (外事处美洲事务主任)
Please go to to register for the event.
FDAANC (Fudan University Alumni Association of Northern California) is arranging the meeting between the Delegation and local alumni, to facilitate the communication and collaboration among domestic and international alumni. As a leading university in China, Fudan University has incredible resource in the areas of academics, businesses, government and media. Fudan alumni shall exploit the resources available and contribute to the development of Fudan University in return.
FDAANC is seeking sponsorship for this event, please contact Kathy Zhao at for more details. For those alumni and friend who are interested in participating in this event, please pay attention to the emails we send out to alumni in the next few weeks, or check back at for any update.
2009 Alumni Summer BBQ
August 17, 2009
Dear Alumni and Friends,
Please mark your calendar for 2009 Summer BBQ, organized by Fudan University Alumni Association of Northern California (FDAANC) in collaboration with the following alumni organizations:
- East China Normal University Alumni Association in Northern California (ECNUAANCA)
- East China University of Science and Technology Alumni Association of Northern California (ECUST_AANC)
- Tongji University Alumni Association of San Francisco Bay (TJUAASFB)
This year we have four more organizations joining forces:
- CA Shanghai Friendship Association
- Kiangsu Chekiang Association of Northern California
- Shanghai Association of Northern California
- Tung Hwa Benevolent Association
Date & Time: August 30th, 2009, at 11:00AM;
Location: Rengstorff Park, 201 South Rengstorff Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040;
Cost: $10 for Adult, $5 for Kids between 5 and 12, Free for Kids under 5.
More than 200 people attended this event last year, and everybody has something nice to say about it. It is an excellent opportunity to catch up with old friends, to meet new ones, to network, and to have fun!
During the event, we will have the Pu Jiang Cup Tug-Of-War game . Come and see who will win this year. There will also be fun games such as balloon tossing and tied race. We have also arranged Pinyata and other fun games for the little ones, so please bring them along and have fun!
Hope to see you all on Sunday August 30th, 2009!
FDAANC, ECNUAANCA, ECUST_AANC, TJUAASFB, CA Shanghai Friendship Association, Kiangsu Chekiang Association of Northern California, Shanghai Association of Northern California, Tung Hwa Benevolent Association
To RSVP for this event, please Click Here.
Sponsorship Details
We expect hundreds of attendees at the BBQ event and would like to provide a great sponsorship opportunity to you. Consider the following benefits for being a Sponsor for the Summer BBQ Event:
- Exhibit table at the entrance where you can talk to potential clients, collect business cards, and distribute literature at each event
- Recognition in the event brochure distributed upon BBQ registration
- Recognition at the event during program introductions and table signage
- Opportunity to say welcoming remarks
- free passes to the event
Please contact our sponsorship team for more details:
Bin Lu,, 408-858-3127
Yehua Owens,, 408-598-5407
Sponsorships need to be confirmed by Aug 20th to be included in the event brochure.